Coming Soon
PN is the next evolution in healthcare. It is the new horizon for health care. The culmination of everything we have learnt through traditional medicine systems, functional medicine practitioners and modern science.
We are riding the crest of this new wave and as such it is only in its infancy. There is no one clear definition of what PN is at this point. It may mean something different to everyone. The "Personalised nutrition" may include
PN is not anything new for a naturopath or functional medicine practitioner. This is what we have been doing for centuries. Asking questions to understand the symptom picture and performing various tests to assist the profile or collect objective biomarkers in order to design a personalised prescription for our patient.
Then we would custom make a unique protocol and provide diet and lifestyle advice. Originally this may have been in the form of functional foods, herbs and spices and other nutritional substances. Foods, herbs and spices have natural variability in their composition, the levels of active ingredients would vary based on region, season, processing and storage. There was no standardisation or quality to control to ensure correct dosing and hard to get consistency in product and results.
Later this evolved to be herbal extracts and nutraceutical ingredients available singularly or in formulations to provide levels of standardisation in concentration and strengths.
Most recently we have had built protocols out of premade formulations combining herbal extracts foods, vitamins and minerals or other nutraceutical compounds, trying to find the right ingredient in the right dose and avoid unwanted ingredients and undesirable interactions and then review excipients and fillers, flavours, colours, binders and flow agents etc. With proprietary blends and so many new extraction types and active ingredients it has become challenging to prescribe the ingredient combinations we want, and we lose our ability to understand ingredients and start prescribing "formulations" and "products" as trained by the product suppliers.
I personally became a naturopath as I wanted to be able to make my own products, compounding ingredients and creating unique potions and brews. Over 30 years I have been obsessed with sourcing ingredients to blend. I have attempted to start multiple custom compounding businesses and personalised supplements. However, I was constantly facing challenges around quality control and standardising the ingredients and stability of the final product. There was so many variables in the ingredients, processing and finished products that it was too hard to ensure I was making quality products that were dosed accurately and delivering what I had intended. It was not viable for me to test every ingredient, every step and every finished product.
My personal moto of "results and not excuses" and my code of ethics "first do no harm" would not allow me to proceed unless I knew I had done adequate testing. The Tailored Script technology has fixed most of the problems I was facing. This technology is exactly what I was looking for but unable to create myself. This encouraged me to adopt another famous saying. "If you can’t beat them, join them".
The Tailored Script system utilises high quality ingredients, all tested and standardised to exact strengths and using the unique granule technology allows for precision in dosing. All of the ingredients have full stability studies done to know that the active ingredients are present at the labelled dose. This allows me to formulate unique combinations utilising ingredients that have been tested and dosed accurately.
The Tailored Script granules also allow me to combine ingredients that normally can not be combined. Many ingredients work well together in our body but can not be combined in a powder, liquid or tablet and capsule but using the tailored script technology they can be combined into a formulation and not interact and degrade. For example, you may have heard that Vitamin C helps Iron to be absorbed and when you take iron you should also take vitamin C, however you can not mix them, or the vitamin C will degrade and destroy the iron. You may have also heard that B12 is also great to take with iron to help iron work better, but vitamin C will also degrade B12 if in the same powder or tablet. But using Tailored script technology it is possible to combine them in a single dose but keep them separated so they do not interact while in storage. Again, this contributes to the consistency and quality of customised formulations like we have never seen before.
Another issue with custom formulations was flavour and the challenge in making a powder or liquid taste ok enough to consume regularly. The tailored script granules do not require flavouring as they can be easily swallowed whole as 3mm granules.
Tablet and capsules size was always a limiting factor which is why we often supplied ingredients in powder format. A capsule for example usually holds about 1/10th of a teaspoon of powder. Which is why a common prescription may include 6-10 capsules plus powders and liquids to cover all the ingredients. The Tailored script pods can hold the equivalent of up to 10 capsules or tablets.
In summary, being powered by Tailored Script means